
Kurt Mortensen - Influence and Persuasion

Influence and Persuasion – with Kurt Mortensen

Guest Introduction:

Kurt Mortensen is one of America’s leading authorities on influence, persuasion, and negotiation, and has spent over 15 years researching these topics. He is also the author of several books, including Persuasion IQ, The Laws of Charisma and the best-seller Maximum Influence.

Interview Summary:

In this episode, Kurt begins by discussing the foundations of influence, persuasion, and negotiation. He outlines some of the common mistakes people make when trying to influence and persuade others, and explains how to avoid these mistakes. He also offers strategies on how to connect, build trust, and establish rapport, and walks us through the “Five C’s of Trust.”

Kurt goes on to explain the concept of Persuasion IQ, and discusses how listeners can increase their own Persuasion IQ. In particular, he emphasizes the importance of asking the right questions and using storytelling to more effectively build trust. Kurt then delves into the topic of charisma. He outlines a few of the most important laws of charisma as discussed in his book, and gives some tips on how to become more charismatic. He also explains the difference between confidence and arrogance, and demonstrates how to navigate the fine line between the two.

Finally, Kurt discusses the essential characteristics of the millionaire mindset, and offers some strategies for becoming more successful both in our personal and professional lives. He talks about the connection between mindset and emotions, how they influence our actions, and how we can work through limiting beliefs.

Find out more about Kurt:

The Craft of Charisma Podcast is also available at:


Mike is the Producer for the Craft of Charisma Podcast.


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