By MikeMaking a Great First Impression – with Dr. Ann Demarais December 28, 2018October 26, 2021 Podcastacceptance, body language, charisma, communication, connection, conversation, mindfulness, self-awareness Guest Introduction: Dr. Ann Demarais holds a PhD in psychology from New York University. She is the founder of First Impressions Inc., and has more than 20 years of experience…
By MikeCommunicating with Impact – with Mark Bowden September 21, 2018September 19, 2018 Podcastacceptance, behavior, body language, communication, connection, influence, rapport, social skills Guest Introduction: Mark Bowden is a keynote speaker and world renowned expert in human behaviour, body language, and communication. Mark has done presentation training and communication coaching for Fortune 500…
By MikeBuilding Trust and Connection – with Nick Boothman September 12, 2018September 10, 2018 Podcastattraction, body language, charisma, communication, connection, dating, love, meeting women, relationships, trust Guest Introduction: Nick Boothman is a bestselling author, motivational speaker, and licensed Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming. He is considered one of the leading authorities on face-to-face communication, and serves…
By MikeUsing NLP for Personal Transformation – with Mark Andreas September 10, 2018October 28, 2021 Podcastbody language, change, communication, mindset, personal development, self-talk, transformation Guest Introduction: Mark Andreas teaches NLP for the NLP Practitioner Program, for Redrocks Community College, and for private sponsors in many locations. He also has a Personal Change private practice…
By MikeBody Language and Behavioral Patterns – with Chase Hughes August 31, 2018October 28, 2021 Podcastattraction, behavior, body language, communication, confidence, connection, influence, leadership, persuasion, social skills, trust Guest Introduction: Chase Hughes is an author and speaker on behavior analysis, body language and behavior engineering. He founded Ellipsis Behavior Laboratories in 2011 and is the creator of the…
By MikeBuilding and Sustaining Relationships – with Dr. Jack Schafer August 17, 2018October 28, 2021 Podcastattraction, behavior, body language, communication, connection, friendship, rapport, relationships Guest Introduction: Dr. Jack Schafer is a psychologist, professor, intelligence consultant, and former FBI Special Agent. He spent 15 years conducting counter-intelligence and counterterrorism investigations, and seven years as…
By MikeBeing an Intentional Communicator – with Dr. Nick Morgan August 8, 2018October 28, 2021 Podcastbody language, charisma, communication, confidence, emotions, neuroscience, trust, voice Guest Introduction: Dr. Nick Morgan is one of America’s top communication theorists and coaches. He is a former Fellow at the Center for Public Leadership at Harvard’s Kennedy School of…
By MikeThe Essentials of Flirting – with Fran Greene August 6, 2018August 6, 2018 Podcastattraction, body language, confidence, dating, flirting, meeting women, relationships, social skills Guest Introduction: Fran Greene is a nationally renowned flirting, dating, and relationship coach. She runs a private practice working with singles who want to maximize their social lives, and with…
By MikeEffective Communication and Networking – with Diane Windingland July 27, 2018October 28, 2021 Podcastbody language, communication, conversation, leadership, social skills Guest Introduction: Diane Windingland is a professional speaker at Small Talk Big Results, where she gives keynote and motivational speeches for business organizations. She is also a speech and presentation…
By MikeInfluence and Persuasion – with Kurt Mortensen June 29, 2018August 2, 2021 Podcastattraction, body language, charisma, confidence, influence, mindset, negotiation, persuasion, rapport, trust Guest Introduction: Kurt Mortensen is one of America's leading authorities on influence, persuasion, and negotiation, and has spent over 15 years researching these topics. He is also the author of…